What my hero academia charecter likes you

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See what charecter from my hero academia like you this is for fun and to make you happyer if you get the one you wanted if you can make shore to tell others about this quiz

You can get kaccan kirisima denki tenya deku and todoroki be shore to tell your friends and famaily to take this quiz too thare is a rp included so hope you injoy

Created by: rossa
  1. Are you angry most of the time?
  2. When you are eating what would you eat?
  3. When you get mad do you...
  4. What is your fav color
  5. At school are you the...
  6. Who do you wish to get [wont mess with the answer.
  7. Are you freindly?
  8. Do you like this quiz so far?
  9. How many friends do you have?
  10. Are you happy with yourself right now?

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