Which my hero academia boy likes you/ finds you interesting.

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This quiz indicates which my hero academia character likes you/finds you interesting. The results depend on your choices and may be not accurate. I hope you guys get who you like.

I hope you guys enjoy this and don't forget to share your results with your friends or maybe not it really doesn't matter. xoxo,,,,,,,,,<<<33333333333333

Created by: Lynn
  1. Favorite color?
  2. Zodiac sign?
  3. Personality trait that best describes you?
  4. Favorite season?
  5. favorite female character?
  6. Favorite pro hero?
  7. Favorite villain?
  8. If you could pick a quirk which one would you pick?
  9. which one of these boys do you like ( won't do anything with the results).
  10. If you would fo on a date which option would you pick?

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