What Minecraft Mob Would You Be?

There are so many hostile mobs in Minecraft, but which one would YOU be? In this long , detailed quiz you will find out what monster you would be in the World of Minecraftia.

Do you think you have the attitude of a blaze? Or the soul of a creeper? In the "What Mob Would You Be?" Quiz you are sure to find out. The more questions, the more accurate!

Created by: SummerThePinkSheep
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite kind of food?
  3. What is your dream pet?
  4. What is your favorite season?
  5. How tall are you?
  6. How many close friends do you have?
  7. What is your preferred weapon (in Minecraft of course!)?
  8. Somebody hits your friend/sibling. What do you do?
  9. What is your favorite hostile mob?
  10. If you had a power, what would it be?
  11. How clumsy do you think you are?
  12. What's your reaction to having to do something you don't want to do?
  13. What kind of shows/movies do you like to watch?
  14. What are you most afraid of?
  15. How social are you?
  16. Do you like to collect?
  17. Are you skittish?
  18. How much personal space do you need?
  19. What are/were your average grades? Nothing personal..
  20. What is/was your favorite subject of these?
  21. How loud are you?
  22. How much do you talk?
  23. How high is your confidence about yourself?
  24. Are you a morning or night person?
  25. Do you like to travel?
  26. What is your favorite monster?
  27. Where are you most likely to be found?
  28. Do you like to go outside?
  29. Are you a good listener?
  30. Since you stayed with me for all of these questions, I'm assuming you liked this quiz?
  31. Let Notch decide!
  32. Am I a good person? This won't affect your score.

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