Are you in the minecraft fandom?

There are many people in the minecraft fandom, are you one?Being in the minecraft fandom takes dedication and time. If you want to see if you are a TRUE miner take this quiz.

Or you can just wimp out not try it.... Noob. But if you do take it good luck only true minecraft fans will pass. If you have never played this game before don't waste your time just go.

Created by: Dai2Dai

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is notch?
  2. How do you make a saddle?
  3. What is the default skins name?
  4. What is a furnace?
  5. What are the chances of a sheep spawning with pink wool
  6. Which are rarer roses or dandelions?
  7. How long does it take to smelt a stack of 64?
  8. What are creepers afraid of?
  9. What block can ghasts not blow up?
  10. Which is more difficult to find, pumpkins or diamonds?

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Quiz topic: Am I in the minecraft fandom?