Minecraft Quizzes
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- Minecraft
Minecraft is an open world or sandbox game in which players obtain and use a wide variety of blocks to build whatever they can dream up. The success of Minecraft has led to numerous mods and spin-off games, as well as official releases on many gaming platforms. New updates continue to add mobs, blocks and biomes.
From it's earliest days, Minecraft has had a symbiotic relationship with Youtube. Content creators draw millions of viewers each month with videos highlighting their PvP, build, and parkour skills. GoToQuiz will add more quizzes on YT Minecrafters soon!
- Survival MultiplayerThis topic focuses on the exciting world of Minecraft SMP servers. Which do you follow?
Our Minecraft Quizzes
- Which Minecraft Block Are You?[by: TheMaster, rated: 3.75rated: 3.75/5, published: Oct 20, 2019]
There are hundreds of different blocks in Minecraft, but which one are you? From weak dirt to strong obsidian, from rare diamonds to common stone, which one…
- Which Minecraft Mob are you? [with pictures] [by: Idiotic Squidboi, rated: 4.41rated: 4.41/5, published: Apr 12, 2021]
Ever wondered which mob you would be if you were to suddenly spawn inside Minecraft? This fun quiz will tell you!
- Which PremQ Member are YOU?[by: ava, rated: 4.39rated: 4.39/5, published: May 15, 2021]
PremQ is a lovely group of individuals who all play bridge together on the hypixel network. Which one are YOU most like? Take this quiz to find out!!!
- Which minecraft utility block are you?[by: Thomas, rated: 4.11rated: 4.11/5, published: May 30, 2018]
See which utility block best matches your individual play style. Eight possible results.
- What illager in Minecraft are you?[by: Sylvain, rated: 4.08rated: 4.08/5, published: Jun 27, 2018]
Hello! You came here to know what illager in Minecraft you would be! The illagers are old villagers that the good villagers banished because of their…
- How Good Are You At Minecraft?[by: JakeDaWolfKing, rated: 4.07rated: 4.07/5, published: Sep 6, 2014]
What is a Minecraft Professional? Do you have to be a Gamer? Do you have to be smart? You you have to actually own the game? I don't know, Why don't you find…
- What Minecraft mob are you?[by: PuddingCup55, rated: 3.86rated: 3.86/5, published: Nov 21, 2012]
Find out witch MC mob you're most like! Even if you haven't played Minecraft, you'd still be able to find a critter just like you! So why not take this quiz?
- How Pro Are You at Minecraft?[by: souljabri557, rated: 3.83rated: 3.83/5, published: Jan 27, 2012]
How you answer these 22 questions determines what level of player you are.
- Which minecraft tool are you?[by: Thomas, rated: 3.81rated: 3.81/5, published: Apr 8, 2018]
Do you love mining trees, ore or...um...dirt? Do you love farming and fighting mobs? Then it should be obvious which ore you are. But if it isn't quite so…
- What type of Minecraft player are you?[by: Chip123, rated: 3.53rated: 3.53/5, published: Jul 22, 2015]
Are you a big fan, expert or a total new boy at Minecraft? Well, that doesn't matter. What you do need to know is what type of player you are! Out of 6…
- Which type of minecraft chicken are you?[by: Thomas, rated: 4.19rated: 4.19/5, published: May 12, 2018]
Ever have one of those days when you felt like a pixelated chicken? Find out which one you are.
- Minecraft quiz. how much do you know?[by: GL1TCH3D SH4D0W, rated: 4.18rated: 4.18/5, published: Oct 23, 2021]
Hello everyone! this is my second quiz! i will tell you how much you know about Minecraft! Try your best. Take your time. And don't rush! you might get…
- Do You Even Minecraft? 1.12[by: PinkDinoYT, rated: 3.65rated: 3.65/5, published: Jul 4, 2017]
Hello! I'm PinkDino, a Youtuber who LOVES playing Minecraft! Do you? If so, play this quiz to see how much of a pro you really are! The question is, Do you…
- Which Minecraft Mob is Most Like You[by: Endergirl, rated: 3.46rated: 3.46/5, published: Jul 5, 2014]
Do you like Minecraft? Do you LOVE Minecraft? Are you curious what mob fits your personality? Well, this is the quiz for you! Even if you don't play…
- What Minecraft Block are you?[by: McGee, rated: 3.39rated: 3.39/5, published: Nov 20, 2013]
People have played Minecraft for a while and while it exercises their creativity, have you ever wondered how certain people's traits line up with certain…
- What Minecraft Mob Would You Be?[by: SummerThePinkSheep, rated: 3.34rated: 3.34/5, published: Dec 14, 2014]
There are so many hostile mobs in Minecraft, but which one would YOU be? In this long , detailed quiz you will find out what monster you would be in the…
- Which minecraft ore are you?[by: Thomas, rated: 3.24rated: 3.24/5, published: Apr 7, 2018]
There are so many minecraft ores... Oh who am I kidding? There's only 8. At least that's enough to make a decent quiz! Does the quiz agree with which ore you…
- What minecraft skin should you get?[by: purplepink01, rated: 3.2rated: 3.2/5, published: Sep 11, 2016]
Minecraft is a game that has been popular for a while now and allows you to express your creativity in a world where everything is only blocks and squares.You…
- How Well Do You Play Minecraft?[by: Minecraft123, rated: 3.17rated: 3.17/5, published: May 7, 2022]
See if you are a noob, pro, hacker or god at Minecraft. Take the quiz to learn how good you are at this hugely popular game.
- Minecraft quiz 1.5.2 (for pros)[by: starpoo1&BossTeo, rated: 2.61rated: 2.61/5, published: Jun 4, 2013]
See how well you can answer a series of questions about Minecraft.
- How Much Do You Know About Minecraft[by: Rosa Minghella, rated: 2.52rated: 2.52/5, published: Sep 15, 2018]
Take this quiz to see how well you know Minecraft. Some questions are quite tricky!
Survival Multiplayer Quizzes
Find them on our Survival Multiplayer page.
The image at the top is from Minetest, an open-source Minecraft clone.
Don't forget to explore the rest of our video games category, and if you like, see our Top 40 Quizzes page. GoToQuiz has so much to offer!