What mental disorder do you have? | Comments

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  • I got ADD which I understand. I do find it hard to focus and I get sidetracked like ALOT! (I got sidetracked while writing this!) I don’t know if this is a part of ADD but I will sometimes hear something or someone’s voice (once I even answered) like it’s talking to me and no one else hears it and when I was a child I saw these Frankenstein things appear at my door and no one else saw them!

  • Manic depressive, huh?

    Yeeahhh... everyone in my family seems to believe I have it. No idea if I would ever be diagnosed since the psychiatrists here tend to do a poor job at diagnosing people correctly. It almost seems they don't want to diagnosis you!

    One of my main flaws, "depression sometimes", no. I'm depressed ALWAYS baby!

  • Manic Depressive 85%

    You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.

    Tha nks...This quiz is fabulous and the quiz maker i think is very intelligent if she/he has not taken all the questions from the internet!

  • Your Result: GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)


    You can never seem to calm down and always feel anxious for unknown reasons. You tend to not be able to concentrate and have headaches or other anxiety symptoms.

    I don't really trust online quizes, but I might go see a doctor or something.

  • Manic Depressive

    You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.

    This runs in my mom's side of the family... She has it mildly, but still has to be medicated and both her siblings have it severely.

  • What mental disorder do you have?
    Your Result: Paranoia

    You are constantly thinking about what others may be saying about you behind your back. You may also feel people have conspiracies against you, or they are out to get you. In crowds you may feel like everybody is watching to closely.

    That is just like me! O-O

  • Manic Depression---So true. I'm bipolar, which is a type of depression that by the description I was given is quite close to--ohhh, my stuffed animal fell over--Manic Depression. XD I do not have ADD, I think I had SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) because I don't like socializing much, and Manic Depression/Bipolar. Nice quiz : )

  • What mental disorder do you have?
    Your Result: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

    You have a very hard time focusing, and you find it difficult to stay on task without your mind wandering. You probably zone in and out of conversations and tend to miss out on directions because you cannot focus

  • in reply to musicmegz, a Manic depressive WOULD have extreme highs and lows, as manic depression and bipolar are the same thing, the latter being the PC terminology. You suffered depression, thats not the same thing at all.

    In regards to my own result, i got ADD, but ive been diagnosed with Bipoal disorder type 2. so pretty far off. Bipolar type 2 btw causes sufferers to have more intense depressive episoides in comparison to their manic episodes.

  • I got generalized anxiety disorder, kind of makes sense. I'm always freaking out about stuff, most of the time I don't know why. It gets worse when I do know why. I always feel critised and unworthy. I don't like talking to strangers and get anxiety about talking to peopel I'm not close to. I think my result sums up my life.

  • Paranoia 81%

    You are constantly thinking about what others may be saying about you behind your back. You may also feel people have conspiracies against you, or they are out to get you. In crowds you may feel like everybody is watching to closely.

    73% Manic Depressive
    51% OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
    45% GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
    0% ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

    That's actually kind of interesting I've never heard it before but the description is pretty accurate

  • Your Result: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) 82%

    You have a very hard time focusing, and you find it difficult to stay on task without your mind wandering. You probably zone in and out of conversations and tend to miss out on directions because you cannot focus.

  • What mental disorder do you have?
    Your Result: Paranoia 86%

    You are constantly thinking about what others may be saying about you behind your back. You may also feel people have conspiracies against you, or they are out to get you. In crowds you may feel like everybody is watching to closely.

  • What mental disorder do you have?
    Your Result: Paranoia 86%

    You are constantly thinking about what others may be saying about you behind your back. You may also feel people have conspiracies against you, or they are out to get you. In crowds you may feel like everybody is watching to closely.

    >_< :p

  • Your Result: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

    You have a very hard time focusing, and you find it difficult to stay on task without your mind wandering. You probably zone in and out of conversations and tend to miss out on directions because you cannot focus


  • What mental disorder do you have?
    Your Result: Paranoia

    You are constantly thinking about what others may be saying about you behind your back. You may also feel people have conspiracies against you, or they are out to get you. In crowds you may feel like everybody is watching to closely.


  • What mental disorder do you have?

    Your Result: OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

    You have odd obsessions that you cannot seem to control. You may even perform rituals to make you feel better. Counting and continuously obsessing over things happens frequently.

  • Your Result: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

    You have a very hard time focusing, and you find it difficult to stay on task without your mind wandering. You probably zone in and out of conversations and tend to miss out on directions because you cannot focus

  • Your Result: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

    You have a very hard time focusing, and you find it difficult to stay on task without your mind wandering. You probably zone in and out of conversations and tend to miss out on directions because you cannot focus

    so right!!! i tend to space out sometimes.. well, most of the time. LOL

  • What mental disorder do you have?
    Your Result: Paranoia

    You are constantly thinking about what others may be saying about you behind your back. You may also feel people have conspiracies against you, or they are out to get you. In crowds you may feel like everybody is watching to closely.

  • I got paranoia but I also have ADD and have had it my entire life Im also paranoid a lot I always have the feeling that someone is hiding in my closet and is going to k*ll me when Im sleeping or that people are talking about me and I get bullied for that I feel like this is one of the only places I can be honest

  • Generalized anxiety, that's not surprising. Started towards the end of an extremely troubled marriage, around 35. Marriage is over for some time but it left scars. Things are much better now even with some lingering anxiety. At one point diagnosed with PTSD.

  • I got manic depressive.

    I don't really disagree. I also hide how I feel a lot, and I want to go to a doctor for it or talk to my parents about it, but they would say "You're just sad, get over it". Sorry for ranting about how I feel. It's hard not to though whenever I got a result on a quiz that I really do feel like I have. If you read this, thanks for reading I guess.

  • I did this test mainly as I don't know how to find the comments without completing the quiz . In real life I have severe GAD and I find it appalling that people are using mental illness as an excuse for some novelty quiz on some naff website .

  • I did this test mainly as I don't know how to find the comments without completing the quiz . In real life I have severe GAD and I find it appalling that people are using mental illness as an excuse for some novelty quiz on some naff website .


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