What member of the skeppy trio are you?

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If you love the trio, but you wanna find out who your most like then you should take this quiz! its not 100% accurate but I tried, also I made this after homework so my mind is not that fresh i was just bored because I am upsessed with skeppy, ALSO I AM AWARE SKEPPY AND A6D ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE DON'T COME AT ME thanks :).

So it told me to fill this second paragraph bro I have like 5 assinments due today yet i wrote more than i ever have before on this quiz like UHMmmm W H O T oh okay this is words 182

Created by: skeopy 2.0
  1. What is your favorite colour!
  2. how often do you cuss?
  3. Do you love your pet!
  4. do you speak any other languages?
  5. Do you whach anime
  6. Are you a thrid wheel
  7. Whats your favorite iconic dreamSMP related song?
  8. Chose a weapon
  9. You see someones Minecraft dog
  10. You have been stabbed how do you react?
  11. Who do you want(wont effect answer)
  12. cheat on tests or nah?
  13. did you enyjoy this quiz

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Quiz topic: What member of the skeppy trio am I?
