Who in the Golden Trio are you most like?

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Hey guys! How's it going? I know, I know, I've not been posting much lately. But, here I am! Today I will be quizzing you guys on who in The Golden Trio you are most like.

So as usual, there are 10 to 12 questions in order for this to work. Just wait one second. Anemone, why are you dressed as Hermione Granger? Anemone: Because I am basically her double. Turtle: Don't you wanna take the quiz first? Just to be sure? Anemone: No, I'm good. Now shut up and let me through. Turtle: How did I end up like this?

Created by: Turtle
  1. Your friends describe you as...
  2. Your enemies describe you as...
  3. On the weekend, you are usually...
  4. If you step into an empty room with three potions, you grab the one labeled...
  5. When it comes to school, you are...
  6. You and your friends set out to find and save the Sorcerers Stone, and your first stop is Fluffy's chamber, so you...
  7. Once you escaped Fluffy, you fall into a pit of devil's snare, and you...
  8. You and 2 others end up playing a game of giant wizards chess to get to the next room, so you choose the position of...
  9. You leave your friends behind at the giant Wizards chess game and get face to face with Prof. Quirrel with Voldemort on the back of his head, so you...
  10. you escape with the Sorcerers Stone but are deeply wounded, so you...
  11. You got out of the devil's snare but end up getting on a broom trying to grab a certian key, and you catch the key owing to the fact that you...

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Quiz topic: Who in the Golden Trio am I most like?

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