What Bench Trio Character are you?

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This Quiz will tell you what Bench Trio Character you are most like! Also I made this because I was bored and didn't know what to do. Anyway's let's get started!

Also I hope you enjoy and your happy with your result, this isn't perfect and I'm really sorry about that but I am to tired to write a 50+ questions right now, bye!

Created by: Glitch_
  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. What's your favourite minecraft mob?
  3. Choose a minecraft tool:
  4. Someone has been stealing stuff from you for the past week, you have finally figured out who was stealing from you now what do you do?
  5. What do you do when you finish school or work?
  6. What animal would you get for a pet?
  7. Do you like Horror Games?
  8. Which word best describes you?
  9. What Music genre do you listen to?
  10. Quiet or loud?
  11. Which one of these places do you like most?

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Quiz topic: What Bench Trio Character am I?
