What Marvel/DC genius are you?

Brainpower, is after all, the best power. Smart men have placed their knowledge to help humanity, or themselves. The power of being superior minded is being a genius.

But, what kind of genius are you? Dark, romantic, powerful, creepy or just flat-out smart? Riddles, weapons, computers, armours and money might be your allies in your great battle for more knowledge.

Created by: Robin fan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a Marvel fan or a DC fan?
  2. Let's see. Lots of money or are you poor?
  3. Powerful or just "Ooh, I have a funtioning brain"?
  4. Other than smart, what are you?
  5. Weapon of choice?
  6. Are you flexible?
  7. Hero or villain?
  8. Are you in a relationship?
  9. Sidekicks?
  10. Late bloomer or always smart?

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Quiz topic: What Marvel/DC genius am I?