Are You A Marvel Fan?

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Marvel is a giant company! They started off with comics, now they have shows, games, toys, movies, and even theme parks! Very awesome company! Half the superheroes you can think of are from Marvel!

How much do you know about Marvel! Test your skills! NOW!KNOW!NOw!NoW!nOW! Do it right now or I will hunt you down!Pretty Please with cherries on top?!

Created by: Sarafina

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the webbed heroes secret identity?
  2. Who is the first avenger?
  3. Who is the winter soldier?
  4. Which of the following was not an original avenger?
  5. In the comics Ant Man has the ability to shrink or grow.
  6. Thor's hammer is called OdenSonStrength.
  7. Black Widow's real name is Natasha Romanov.
  8. The actor that plays Captain America also played _______ ______ in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.
  9. The actor that plays Captain America also played _______ ______ in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.
  10. What is the highest grossing movie ever made!

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Quiz topic: Am I A Marvel Fan? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Marvel Quiz category.