St. Patrick's Day GoogleFu Quiz

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There are many smart Irishmen, but few true Irish geniuses. Are you a GoogleFu elitist with knowledge of Ireland? Someone with an extraordinarily green mind, is able to solve complex problems, street smarts of a stray dog, Wheaties Breakfast, a funny hat on, a rainbow, quite a bit of a the luck o' the Irish, and see the world through an entirely curious point of view.

Are YOU a an Irish genius? Or are you an alien or Leprechaun? Do you have the brainpower of mashed potatoes or Einstein? Do you have the the brainpower to qualify for the prestigious title of Genius? Let's find out!

Created by: Ms.Gibson
  1. What languages do they speak in Ireland?
  2. In what county would you find Ireland's Blarney Castle?
  3. What do tourists do at Blarney Castle?
  4. What is the curse or gift supposedly imparted to those who kiss the Blarney Stone?
  5. What years were the Potato Famine?
  6. Where was the first St. Patrick's Day Parade?
  7. In the Stone and Bronze Ages, what people inhabited Ireland?
  8. When did the Vikings invade Ireland?
  9. When did the Normans invade Ireland?
  10. What are the two major religions of Ireland?
  11. Where was St. Patrick born?
  12. Where was St. Kevin born?
  13. Where is the Book of Kells on permanent display?
  14. What is the USD charge to see the Book of Kells for an adult who buys at the door today? (You will have to convert euros to US dollars to answer this question).
  15. What is the URL domain suffix of a website hosted in Ireland?
  16. How many pages could you see in the Book of Kells if you visited the Exhibition today?
  17. Which two of the pages that is on exhibition in the Book of Kells would you see if you visited the Exhibition today (choose two)?
  18. How many angels are on page 54 (folio 27v)?
  19. Using Google Translate, how do you say "I love you" in Irish Gaelic?
  20. Using ascii code, how do you type (alt code) a lowercase letter a with an accent over it, á, using your US keyboard layout?
  21. On which coast would you find the Cliffs of Moher?
  22. What kind of material would you use to knit an Aran Islands sweater?
  23. Do you want to go to Ireland one day?

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