A Tropical Love Story...with a few twists part 4

I was actually going to stop doing these but your comments made me feel really good about it so I've done another.kaythis one is really long. And it's pretty much just all of you and Mark.Sorry to fans of James and Patrick but they'l be back. I don't know if I'll get the next one out tomorrow or in a few days. I'm having slight problems.There won't be any during July.sorry but I have to go to Iowa and my dad doesn't want any electronics...so yeah.enjoy...
Mark-dark brown hair,dark green eyes,serious,fought a dragon.born in England in 1308 under the name Marklan Stephen Lyell. Element:Earth James-black hair,black eyes,sometimes serious mostly not though,born in Scotland in 1453 under the name Jamisen Gavin Spark Element:FIRE Patrick-blonde hair,light blue eyes, funny,born in France in the late 1500's under the name Padraig Niccolo Lyell, Element:WATER all are handsome