what mario character are you

this quiz is nowhere near accurate i.ts my first quiz so it might be weird. please don't be offended by any answers its just my opinion and its only for fun.

This is my first quiz so its probably weird and if you are toad the answers are true very very true. i said its nowhere near accurate but if you get toad you are very annoying.

Created by: prajwal
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. what is your favorite power up
  3. what is your favorite mario character
  4. who is the best minion
  5. what is your favorite fruit
  6. 69
  7. if you could kill one who would it be
  8. what is your dream mario game
  9. who would you choose in smashbros
  10. and finally...who do you like the most

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Quiz topic: What mario character am I
