What Mario Character are you?

This fun quiz is designed to reveal which Mario character best matches your personality! By answering six carefully crafted questions, you’ll uncover which iconic character from the Mario universe you truly embody. Whether you’re brave like Mario, mischievous like Bowser, or playful like Toad, the results will reflect your unique traits. Be sure to answer truthfully and honestly, as that’s the best way to get an accurate result. Don’t overthink your responses—just go with your instincts and have fun along the way..

Remember, your answers are completely private, so there’s no need to hold back. No one else will see your responses, so feel free to be open about your choices. This is all about celebrating what makes you unique and connecting you to the vibrant world of Mario in a whole new way. So, take a deep breath, get ready to explore, and let’s see which character from this beloved universe is most like you!

Created by: Iggy
  1. Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert.
  2. Do you like animals ?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. Capitalism, communism, or socialism?
  5. Hot or cold?
  6. What is your IQ range?
  7. Have you ever been to Japan?
  8. Are you a devil or angel?
  9. Who do you like better?
  10. Are you a cat or dog person

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Quiz topic: What Mario Character am I?
