What Legendary/Mythical are you?

This is a selected group of mythicals and legendaries soooo yeah. Take it if you desire. Hopefully you enjoy it idk it may or may not be goodddd so yeah.

I hope you enjoy the quiz If you like poekmon this is for you. Ooops typoss hoepfully you don't see any more eee i only was able to put in 10 mons soooo sorrry!

Created by: Froghop
  1. Your favorite food out of this?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. Extroverted or Introverted?
  4. If someone were to do something bad to you?
  5. Do you consider yourself strong?
  6. Your favorite color?
  7. Do you enjoy fighting?
  8. Favorite region?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Do you like Pokemon?

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Quiz topic: What Legendary/Mythical am I?
