What language should you learn? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What language should you learn?

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  • I got the biggest match with Russian! Then I got Arabic and Mandarin Chinese, both of which I already speak, so that's pretty cool!! I sort of tried to learn Russian 2 years ago and it didn't really work because I didn't put much effort into it, but I'm gonna try again!!

  • Your Result: French

    You should learn French. It is one of the six official languages of the U.N. and has about 200 million speakers. In the U.S. it is a widely spoken second language in Louisiana and New England. It has a rich culture and interesting history.

    Cool! I'm already taking French, and every quiz on what country I should live in, I get France! It's like my destiny. Great quiz! 10/10!!!!! :)

    Christs Child
  • Your Result: German 77%

    You should learn German. It is a widely spoken language especially in Europe and has about 120 million speakers. Germany is the 4th largest economy in the world and several other countries speak German.

    Nice! I'm definitely going to visit Germany some day!

  • French and Italian! Those languages are always on pocketbooks. And I am itching to learn them. Not bragging but btw if I learn this two languages, I would already be speaking 4 languages. Well, maybe because English is our second language. :)

  • Cool, I got Mandarin Chinese.

    You should learn Mandarin. It is the most spoken language in the world with about 885 million speakers. It is a challenging language to learn but has many benefits, such as in careers and personal interest.

    I'm learning Japanese now. Good quiz.

  • You should learn Spanish.

    It is one of the six official languages of the U.N. and has about 417 speakers. In the U.S. it is the second most spoken language after English, especially used on the border near Mexico. It is a very useful and interesting language.

    cool! i wanted to learn spainish

    Angel In Fantasy
    • I'm not sure these numbers are accurate... I know more than 417 people who speak spanish....

  • Asalam Alaykoum ,Cool Arabic,i already speak some Arabic and i'm still learning(i have Arab heritage),the last language on the list was French but i live in France and speak perfect Français donc voilà,j'adore ce quiz c'était intèrresant,je l'ai mis 5 étoiles.

    • Bonjour !

    • Ma hi allughat alththania alkhasu bik?

  • Your Result: Japanese

    You should learn Japanese. It is a widely spoken language and has about 130 million speakers. Japan has the second largest economy in the world and is a very useful second language.

    YEAH!! !!! JAPANESE!! ahem. i love japan

  • Italian

    You should learn Italian. It is a very popular language and has about 61 million speakers. Italy is a very popular tourist destination with interesting history, art, food and culture.

    Cool! Im from Italy!

    • "Io parlo italiano!"

  • Italian

    You should learn Italian. It is a very popular language and has about 61 million speakers. Italy is a very popular tourist destination with interesting history, art, food and culture.

    Cool! Im from Italy!

  • You should learn German. It is a widely spoken language especially in Europe and has about 120 million speakers. Germany is the 4th largest economy in the world and several other countries speak German.

    Cool im half-german. ive always wanted to learn german. hail hitler! (jk)

  • I got Japaneese!!!!!! I've always wanted to learn either Chineese or Japaneese, but we tryed writing in Chineese a week ago in school, it was extremly hard, so I made my mind on Japanese!!!!!!!!I already speak fluent Russian, so I don't think i need to learn that!!!!!

  • Russian

    You should learn Russian. It is one of the six official languages of the U.N. and has about 278 million speakers. It can be a difficult language but also can be useful in certain careers and rewarding.

    And the most spoken language in the world is english with it madetory in almost every school in the world

    • No the most spoken language in the world is Mandarin Chinese

  • coolness! I got German and that's the language I'm taking this year! I've taken Spanish before and I think I'm taking sign language next year. so I'll know a little bit of a lot of things. but that's cool that I got the one I'm taking. good quiz! auf wiedersehen! adios ! ciao! bye.

  • Arabic!! super hard!! im already trying to learn and failing even if want to learn it. i guess im not trying hard enough as most of the time im not bothered. and why 'second' language when it is going to be my third or fourth?! oh and @crazygirl4112 stop chain mailing!!!!

  • I got French,

    I probably got that answer because I answered: "Romantic Language" in the beginning.

  • Oh dear, I've got 6 languages with over 80%?! :o French is on the top (89%) I've already learnt it at school but perhaps I should refresh my knowledge ;) Next one is Japanese (88%) sounds cool!

    Nice quiz!

  • Wow,this thing is accurate. I got japanese,and i have always wanted to learn japanese! It's like this thing can read my mind or something.....

  • German

    You should learn German. It is a widely spoken language especially in Europe and has about 120 million speakers. Germany is the 4th largest economy in the world and several other countries speak German.

    Already know it :D

  • Got Japanese! Awesome! I actually want to major in Japanese. They ranked my minor low(Italian), but at least they got my major!

  • You should learn Arabic. It is one of the six official languages of the U.N. and has more than 280 million speakers. It is widely spoken language especially in the middle east. It has many benefits in careers and personal interest.

  • I got Japanese 93%! I am half Myanmarese half Bulgarian and Im living in UK

    I am fluent in Myanmarese, English, Bulgarian and nearly fluent in Hungarian and Croatian. Great quiz maybe Ill learn Japanese :)

    Lena the kitten
  • Cool, I got Italian! (Italy seems SO cool!)Secound was French (I'm taking that this year) Third, Spanish (I took it last year, we learned how to SALSA DANCE!!!)and Fourth, German (I am German)

  • Italian

    resultYou should learn Italian. It is a very popular language and has about 61 million speakers. Italy is a very popular tourist destination with interesting history, art, food and culture.

    BUT I ALREADY KNOW ITALIAN! O.o lol great quiz :}

  • German! Sounds great. I already know English, Albanian, French and a bit Italian. German would be nice for my collection.

    Genius girl

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