What landscape are you?

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Hi guys, this is my landscape quiz, thank you for choosing it, I really appreciate it. I'm kinda new to quizzes, so don't be shy to tell me if something is wrong.

Anyways, there are 16 questions. And you can get one of six final results. I tried to think of a good quiz theme that everyone would like. So please recommend this to your friends. Bye!!

Created by: Lavendermoon
  1. Are you more inward or outward? (shy or outgoing)
  2. Are you a multitasker?
  3. How large is your social circle?
  4. Which of these positive traits would you use to describe yourself?
  5. Which of these negative traits would you use to describe yourself?
  6. What color hue is your favorite?
  7. Which is your favorite season?
  8. How do you like to go about your day?
  9. Choose your favorite element.
  10. Choose your favorite animal.

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Quiz topic: What landscape am I?
