What Dragon Are You?!?

Ever wondered what dragon you are? Take this (kinda) short quiz to figure it out! I hope you have fun doing my quiz and make sure to tell me if any thing goes wrong!

A second version of this quiz will come soon hang tight and look for more awesome quizzes have fun with mine and have a great rest of your month/day/year! Bye

Created by: Lucie Emerson
  1. What is your favorite game to play:
  2. Your Favorite drink is:
  3. Your are the _____ friend
  4. What is your favorite place:
  5. What is your familiar?
  6. You prefer
  7. What are you in D&D:
  8. What is your favorite food
  9. What is your perfect weekend
  10. Pick one set:

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Quiz topic: What Dragon am I?!?
