Which Landscape is "Your Type"?

Throughout this quiz, you will be finding out which landscape is most like "your type". Do you prefer the calm landscape of a beach or the mysterious landscape of a forest?

Take this quiz below to find out! Oh and also rate it and comment down below to tell me what you think about this quiz because that would really help me, thanks!

Created by: KellyYi
  1. Ok, first question. Which word sounds best to you?
  2. Next, which kind of weather do you like best?
  3. Which word best describes your personality?
  4. Which place would you most likely go to for a dream vacation?
  5. What do you normally like to watch on TV?
  6. At what time of the day do you feel your best?
  7. How do you comfort a friend?
  8. Are you emotional?
  9. How do you react when someone tells you a mean rumor about a classmate of yours?
  10. What would you most like to be known for?
  11. What would you most hate to be called?
  12. Lastly, what element are you most like?

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Quiz topic: Which Landscape is "my Type"?
