What kind of spanking should you get?

This quiz is a lazy throw together on how you deserve to be spanked. Don't ask, I was really bored...... I don't know man, I can't really publish this quiz but I wanna see my results wahh awe man so I just tired to keep on saying random stuff so your good to keep scrolling cuz I'm just yapping for now sigh

I don't know what to write here so just hi, hope you have a lovely day and all that blah cheesy corny, something dumb.. okay okay, I think I found out the problem lol yap yip tomp yonp yup youwb wiip sop grum

Created by: Dover
  1. Why should you be spanked?
  2. How old are you?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. How often are you usually spanked
  5. Are you part of any fandom?
  6. What are you getting spanked with?
  7. Who is spanking you?
  8. Any other reason you should be spanked?
  9. How harshly do you usually get spanked
  10. free question

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Quiz topic: What kind of spanking should I get?
