Which Character from The Crucible are you?

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This is my "Which Character from The Crucible are you?" quiz for my Crucible final project. I think I need to type out this paragraph in order for the quiz to publish so this is nonsense.

This is the second paragraph that I need to write in order to publish this quiz to the public. I will continue to write until I am able to publish and finalize this quiz.

Created by: Joshua Giles
  1. Where would you rather live?
  2. Have you ever had an unworldly event take place in your life?
  3. What is your favorite genre of music?
  4. If you could have a superpower, which would it be?
  5. What is your favorite social media?
  6. Who are you loyal to?
  7. How much do you care about what people think of you?
  8. What is your favorite season?
  9. Are you a morning person or a night person?
  10. Left or right?
  11. What is your main color in Among Us?
  12. If you could be described by friends in one word, what would it be?
  13. Which is your animal companion?
  14. Which element would you bend?
  15. Pick a dessert?
  16. Chose a weapon from the Avengers franchise.
  17. Which Hogwart's house would you be in?
  18. What do you do when you meet a friendly stranger?
  19. What do you do when things aren't going your way?
  20. What's your motto?

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Quiz topic: Which Character from The Crucible am I?
