What Kind of Sock are You??

vakusgaskhgefa; mseoi;fghesruoalghewihawgli;qhl wroguaewhalruwghawejgeos ljw leg awkgh lAJfh vugelJghlkghrwaljga wulg awlgha/gjlbvjbf as.gawhljfabkgabgjl fjak

auhg aliugkhawguhrwg nouwlg iowgil wr awhui love this quiz it was great yeah i loved it and my frends is watching me type this so yeah she's waiting for me

Created by: Mango and Squiggle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First of all, this is a quiz created by two friends; it is our first effort as a team, so please, no cussing in the comments, please!
  2. How many sports do you play?
  3. Do others ask you for good advice? (on relationships, schoolwork, sports, etc)
  4. You see a little kid getting bullied. What do you do?
  5. What's your favorite brand/kind of clothing?
  6. You spend your weekends:
  7. You are most happy when:
  8. Most schools typically have groups of kids. What group do you think you're in?
  9. Ok, now everyone's favorite question: what's your favorite color?
  10. MAGIC FLYING ROBOT UNICORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Indoors or outdoors?
  12. What's your favorite kind of animal?
  13. Did you like this quiz? no effect)
  14. Why did you take this quiz?
  15. The rest of these few ending questions may seem a bit careless and random, but please answer truthfully. Each question is one word; select your immediate reaction to that word.
  16. SPORTS!!!!
  19. VIDEO GAMES!!!!
  20. SCHOOL!!!!
  22. Ok, that's all for now! Sorry, this quiz wasn't the best, but please be helpful in the comments; this was a quiz/ to see how we would do making a quiz together. Thanks, and please consider taking our future quizzes!

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Sock am I??