What kind of Nationalist are you? (Turkey)

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Nationalism is defined by Atatürk as one of the 6 arrows, and is included in the 1924 constitution as a characteristic of the Republic. One century after the founding of the Republic though, various forms of nationalism have been formulated. This is a test that imperfectly aims to calculate the type of nationalism you identify with.

I refrained from using Turkish names for the types, so here they are: 1. Indigenism-Anadoluculuk 2. Ethnic Nationalism (Secular)-Seküler Milliyetçilik 3. Ethnic Nationalist (Religious)-Ülkücülük/Türk-İslâmcılık 4. Civic Nationalism-Ulusalcılık 5. Separatism-Ayrılıkçılık (Kürtçülük) 6. Internationalism (Liberal)-Batıcılık 7. Internationalism (Left)-Solculuk 8. Left Nationalism-Solcu Milliyetçilik

Created by: cehapezihniyeti02
  1. How do nations gain rights in the international field?
  2. Your nation currently occupies a land. How did the current nation gain it?
  3. How important is nationalism for your country?
  4. How important is religion for you?
  5. Do you identify with the official narrative of nationality as presented by the state?
  6. How do you view federalism?
  7. How far back your history in this land goes, in your opinion?
  8. What do you think about Atatürk?
  9. What is the purpose of the state?
  10. Do you think illegal immigrants should be subjected to forced assimilation?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Nationalist am I? (Turkey)
