What kind of Mythical creature are you?

What do you think you are? A Colossus? Or maybe a dark Wizard. You'll never know until you take my quiz! You never know what yours could be... Are you a cryptic creature of the sea? Or a Stone being that is strong and mighty?

It only takes a few minutes to do this quiz, It'll take a few minutes out of your day, but hey! It's worth it! Do you think that you're going to be some cheezy mythological creature like a dumb goblin? Of course not! This quiz is fun and most of all exiting!

Created by: Tamara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What kind of food do you like?
  2. What is your favorite type of ice cream?
  3. What is your favorite type of movie?
  4. If you were stranded on an island, and your arm had a deadly desease, and if there was no pain medicine, would you cut your own arm off to survive?
  5. Imagine if your gender got switched. And you still had to go to school/work. What do you think your friends would do to you?
  6. And now for the most difficult question... WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR?!?!
  7. Did you like this quiz?
  8. U sure?
  10. RANDOM QUESTION! The square root of 589297698 is....

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Quiz topic: What kind of Mythical creature am I?