What Kind Of Fish Are You

WHat ever.........................gduiscou fvb ihkiykgw.vuv kibv uivbodugbvi hyigfv yhgvfiyc hhoegv bvgedo khjbbjbvoj8yguiqvd vu vui;;uiv;uibvbvgbbvyivbv

ouidr bhnbf ojhrdn oibjwchnoigubvnhgklvbvu jfbuovb ljrbguibfvoufcbjuujbvuirbfvuirgubvfifyugufgvuidbgvgDSgdgvuihbruigvuigdviyvgbjkvbufigFXJKgt7ruibguilfhcbugbf

Created by: Coco
  1. What it your favorite color?
  2. What do you like to do the best.
  3. Do you like animals.
  4. What do you like to eat?
  5. What would you do if you were lost on a island?
  6. boufnbjk vsfl ngroidscnblj. Make sure you pick the right one O.o
  7. What face do you like best?
  8. Pick a number...
  9. Which Job do you like best?
  10. I just saw a butterfly O.o did you :P jk jk Do you like this quiz? Sorry if it's boring. It's kind of boring making it...

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Fish am I