What kind of Agent are you?

With this quiz you can find out what kind of spy you would be, but not just what kind of guns or gadgets you have, but how your mind and skills add up.

Will you be the brawny and brave soldier? Maybe you'll get the genius examiner? Maybe if you like to make friends you'll be the head of the team! More of a low-key alone type? Maybe your the high ranking marksman! You'll just have to see!

Created by: DuskArt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are your favourite colours?
  2. What is your favourite element?
  3. Which is your favourite weapon?
  4. What is your most valued attribute?
  5. What is your ethnicity?
  6. What is your body type?
  7. When engaged in hand-to-hand combat your style is...
  8. If you realized a family member or loved one had been kidnapped, your first reaction would be...
  9. Which superpower would you want to have?
  10. What pet do you want to have?
  11. You realize someone has framed you with drugs in your car and the cops pull you over. You...
  12. Your greatest fear is...
  13. Did you like the quiz? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: What kind of Agent am I?