How well do you know Agent Coulson?

Agent Coulson is a legend in the Marvel universe, he's the glue that binds the film together. But how much do you know about this S.H.I.E.L.D. agent??

This quiz has ten questions which will test how much of a Agent Coulson fan you are. Will you become part of the Coulson fan elite? Take this quiz to find out

Created by: Rebecca

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  1. What is Agent Couslon's first name?
  2. Which of these superheroes is he a big fan of?
  3. Who stabs Agent Coulson in the Avengers movie?
  4. Which of these does he buy in 'On the way to Thor's Hammer'?
  5. In Ultimate Spiderman which of these is Coulson undercover as?
  6. Where did he make his first apperance?
  7. Who plays Agent Coulson?
  8. Which film is this quote from ' I don't know. Guy never tells me anything'?
  9. What does Coulson say Loki lacks?
  10. Which of these films has Coulson not been in?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Agent Coulson?