What kind of Agent are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of Agent are you?
What kind of Agent are you?
Your Result: Scout 50%resultYou are a scout. As an intelligence gatherer, you are trained to be stealthy and undercover, being able to blend in with any crowd. You are probably a pretty social person, and have lots of friends but only a few close friends. Although you can hold your own in a crowd and have a magnetic personality, you are more of an observer than a talker. You are independent and like to always be busy. On the outside you are happy and positive, but you bottle up your real opinions inside, which can sometime come out in bursts of rage. You are very adaptive and can adjust to any unique situation you're in. You are well liked even if you don't know it and have a great magnetic personality.
44% Marksman
32% Mastermind
32% Analyst
26% Soldier
8% Examiner
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