What kind of A.N.GEL star are you?

If you want to be like an A.N.GEL star do this quiz have pupils been calling you a loser do this quiz and you shall find your own answer if this quiz is not good enough comment me about your problems bye see you next time

Are you a A.N.GEL star?Find out by taking this awesome quiz do you even have the courage to take this quiz find out by doing this quiz this quiz may not be perfect and if you think this quiz is boring comment me and i am also bringing up a new quiz see you next time bye:D

Created by: Ana of Anna
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you feel jealous when you see a guy kiss a girl you like on the forehead?
  2. If you find out that your A.N.GEL teammate is a girl and your a boy will you tell your manager?
  3. If you saw your girl teammate crying will you go and call the other teammates or will you comfort her
  4. Will you be happy when your drunk friend mistakenly vomit in your mouth?
  5. Will you be happy when you are on stage and then you suddenly loose your voice?
  6. If your girl teammate ask you to accompany her to her hometown will you say yes or no?
  7. If your girl teammate ask you to go to a movie theater with her will you say yes or no
  8. If you see your girl teammate holding hands with your boy teammate will you be happy?
  9. If you see another guy hugging your girlfriend what will you do?
  10. This is the last question,are you always happy?

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Quiz topic: What kind of A.N.GEL star am I?