What kind of nerd are you

Do you want to know what kind of nerd you are well take this qwiz if you want to find of if your a Harry Potter,Star Trek,Star wars or Comic nerd well then take this qwiz

Have you been acting nerdish the past couple of weeks well then take this qwiz to find out if your a Comic,Harry Potter,Star Trek OR Star wars nerd. Take this qwiz to find out the answer

Created by: Satpluto

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You curl up in a chair and read a book. What book is it?
  2. Theres a marathon on tv witch one will you watch?
  3. (This one doesn't count) do you like twilight?
  4. Are you like any of the nerds or are you just doing this for fun? (This doesn't count ether)
  5. Do you like star trek?
  6. Do you like Harry Potter?
  7. Do you like star wars?
  8. Do you like comics?
  9. Do you hate any of the nerds
  10. Last question did you like this qwiz

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Quiz topic: What kind of nerd am I