What job should you be in

Every one is curious about what other people think they should be. Maybe this can hint into a direction that you already thought or knew you had a calling for.

Are you into Fire? Dancing? Royalty? Wrestling? want to know what your calling is? take a few minutes and answer the questions and see what is the results!

Created by: mav8
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like bonfires
  2. Do you love to go to parties and move with the music
  3. Are you hard headed and like to get dirty
  4. Do you like to be on top number 1 and have every one look at you
  5. Do you like to be wear a lot of makeup
  6. Are you flexible
  7. Do you like shiney things
  8. Do you like heat
  9. Are you a tomboy (if you are a girl)
  10. Are you girly (can be for either male/female)

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Quiz topic: What job should I be in