What job are you going to have?

What do you want to be when you grow up? This quiz will tell you what your going to be.Take this quiz to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you wonder what your want to be or are you bored take this amazing quiz to find out because just in 1-2 minutes you will find your job.

Created by: marleigh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. on your free time you like to:
  2. You wake up at: in the morning
  3. Out of these jobs which one do you want more
  4. You favorite animal is
  5. You broke a rule you
  6. On a scale one through ten how much do you like this quiz
  7. Do you like going to school or collage
  8. How do you feel right now
  9. Whats your favorite time of day
  10. Last question do you like this quiz or me

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Quiz topic: What job am I going to have?