When did you actually grow up?

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Are you really the 90s kid that you claim to be? Or were you really meant to grow up in the 80s, dressed in neon and dancing to Madonna? How about the 60s, protesting violence and just enjoying life? Or maybe the 20s, partying and breaking all the rules?

Take this quiz to find out the decade you actually grew up in! Think of this like one of those fun quizzes you find on BuzzFeed. Take your time and be honest!

Created by: Alyssa
Personality Test
  1. What do you like to do on the weekends?
  2. Choose a music genre.
  3. What's your favorite part of school?
  4. Choose a TV show.
  5. What's your best trait?
  6. What do you find most attractive in a significant other?
  7. Choose a color.
  8. What's your favorite season?
  9. Choose a career.
  10. Choose an animal.

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