What Jade Winglet character are you?

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This is a quiz… what else can I say? Ur gonna find out what ur character is and… yeah. This is just out of Winter, Qibli, Moon, Kinkajou and Turtle. Have fun?

Hi. Idk what to say. Like the title is pretty self-explanatory if you ask me. Of course, you didn’t but still. Oh well. ENJOY THE QUIZ!!! ✽✰⁂✯☆✥✩✬✵☆❤♥❥♕✽❂✲

Created by: Qibli!!!
  1. First of all, I would like to apologise for not putting Peril in. Oh well.
  2. What is ur fav colour?
  3. What do you do in ur free time?
  4. What type of person would you describe ur self as?
  5. Who’s ur fav?
  6. Favourite sport
  7. Favourite tribe
  8. Introvert or extrovert
  9. Do you like ur home?
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: What Jade Winglet character am I?
