Best WOF Couple!

This quiz shows the couple that you love, and has a great picture for your result I hope you enjoy! There is no gay couple because I'm sorry but for me it just does not go.

P.S. I did not like the ship Winter and Qibli because I like Moon and Winter. I still hope you love the quiz. I have no darn Idea what to say now and I don't understand this.

Created by: Ella
  1. Winter and Qibli walk up to you and Qibli asks to play music w/ you, but Winter asks to wrestle instead what do you do?
  2. You find Deathbringer tied to a tree and Tsunami is nearby. Deathbringer says Tsunami did it, but she argues and says someone else did it. who do you believe?
  3. Winter finds out Qibli and Moon are dating, and gets furious! What do you do?
  4. Glory is hugging a male dragon. What reaction would you have in this situation?
  5. Everyone is hanging out and suddenly all three boys walk away one at time. What would you do?
  6. You see Winter being bothered by Qibli. And then Winter starts yelling at Qibli. What should you do?
  7. Which couple would you want to be in?
  8. Which dragon would you be in the couple? (I ran out of questions to ask)
  9. Which dragonet would be the cutest?
  10. How did you like the quiz? (will not mess w/ results)

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