(second ark) Wings of Fire personality quiz

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OK this is a quiz just show who you are out of moon,Kinkajou,and Qibli! And if you don't know who you are you just say so Well I guess I'll say so!? It was kind of funny! What I just said.

You love this quiz and it constantly tells you Do you love it! It's pretty funny and random! I hope you like this ! quiz as much as I like making it! Good luck!

Created by: Emmy
  1. What would you rather eat?
  2. What kingdom is your favorite
  3. Who would you rather have as queen
  4. What is your favorite emoji
  5. Who's your least favorite wings of fire character
  6. How good is this quiz been so far, we're just halfway through!!
  7. If a stranger said hi to you how would you react
  8. If someone told you it was somebody else's life or yours What would you do?
  9. What shoes would you be most likely to wear if you were a scavenger ?
  10. What would you rather listen to?!
  11. This is the end

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