What Is Your Weapon?

What is your weapon? What would suit you best? Have you ever wondered what would be good for you? This quiz will tell you, once and for all. The only thing is, They're magical weapons...

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Created by: Classified
  1. Are you good at estimating time, distance and angles?
  2. Do you have good balance and agility?
  3. How is your hand-eye coordination?
  4. Imagine yourself in battle. There are people all around you fighting, soldiers calling out battle cries, arrows flashing past and hitting their targets. Men on horses are wielding swords. More men on horses are fighting with spears. Where are you in the battle?
  5. You are still in the battle, and you see your best friend is about to be killed! What do you do?
  6. Phew! You saved your friend! But while you were fighting, you got hurt and vulnerable. What do you do?
  7. Are you protective of your friends?
  8. What animal are you in battle?
  9. Why are you taking this quiz? (It won't effect your score)
  10. In battle, will you have a shield?
  11. Will you be on horseback?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Weapon?
