Which Magical Weapon Chooses You?

Well, as the title says, which magical weapon chooses YOU? You might be wondering what weapons are there? I can tell you that they are called..... None of your business yet!

If you find yourself wanting to take the quiz, find out what weapon chooses you, and don't forget to share it in the comments. Have fun taking my quiz.- Nobody

Created by: Nobody
  1. Imagine you are in the battle of your lives, fighting against your greatest enemy, where would your epic battle take place?
  2. Now, what was your style of fighting?
  3. How would you prepare for the battle?
  4. What armor do you wear?
  5. What do you look like? (The first 4 are boys/short hair and stuff, the next are girls/long hair and stuff) (Has little to no effect on results, you can look like the person of your dreams, not how you actually look)
  6. Why and for what are you fighting the greatest evil for?
  7. Are you brave or shy?
  8. What sport do you like best?
  9. What color?
  10. What animal?
  11. What season?

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