Your Magic Weapon

This quiz is about which magical weapon would choose you, if you were to battle against an enemy. This is a kind of story, in which you will choose options of answers.

Will you have a sword? A dagger? A bow? Or maybe a staff? Take this quiz to find out that, and what precious stone magic you posses. Ruby? Diamond? Emerald? Or sapphire?

Created by: Tennie
  1. Imagine you're going to fight an unknown enemy. What will your place of choice be?
  2. Suddenly, all goes blurry before you. When the mist clears, you see some objects on a table in front of you. Which do you choose?
  3. You take the object, and walk to a door you see in the end of the corridor. To get through, you need to answer three questions. Are you ready?
  4. Wisdom or strength?
  5. Brave or cunning?
  6. Alone or together?
  7. The door opens slowly. You step forward, and suddenly feel that you are falling... You lose your conscience for a moment. When you open your eyes and look around you see that you're...
  8. Suddenly, the ground shakes. Everything goes black for a moment, and then your enemy appears. It takes the shape of your greatest fear. It is a...
  9. You feel great weakness. You fall on the floor. Your enemy takes the shape of a terrific monster and wounds you. It grabs you, and hours you to its lair. When it enters it suddenly takes the shape of...
  10. You look around...
  11. The enemy asks you to give him the most precious thing that you have. You refuse. Then, he tries to make you do it He...
  12. Suddenly, you see a flash of light. Right in front of you, there stands a most magnificent...
  13. You climb up onto its back, it rises and soars away, however the enemy if not far behind. You land in a dense forest, with an open plain. You...
  14. You defeated your enemy. You take out your treasure. It is...
  15. So, are you ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: My Magic Weapon
