What Weapon Are You?

If you were a weapon, would you be an activist's molotov or a thief's knife? Would you be a destructive napalm bomb or a carefully placed sniper. Even the most laid back people have a means of defending themselves, what what would yours be?

Someone's personality reveals a lot about how they fight and what they would use to defend themselves or to attack. Are you secretly a bio-terrorist ready to strike or a patriot willing to do anything for their country? Find out in just a few questions!

Created by: Stealthknight
  1. Which of the following scents do you find most appealing?
  2. Which of the following game genres would you rather play?
  3. Which of the following movie genres would you rather watch?
  4. Which colour do you most relate to?
  5. What do you think is worst in the world?
  6. Which way would you rather die?
  7. (Fill in the blank) The only people who should die are________
  8. (Fill in the blank) My ideal partner is______
  9. Which of the following books do you most like?
  10. Ho many people is it acceptable to kill or hurt to keep yourself alive or on top?

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Quiz topic: What Weapon am I?