What is your Spirit Animal

This quiz will tell you what your spirit animal is with in just minutes you can see if you and your friends have the same spirit animal and if you have the same one you and your friends can laugh about it.

There are a ton of animals you can be like the lion, tiger, cat, dog, mouse, bear, sea turtle, fish, dolphin, horse, cow, whale, jellyfish, bunny, crow, owl, and more! PLEASE SHARE

Created by: Ashley Wizner
  1. What is your favorite past time?
  2. How do you dress?
  3. What is your sign?
  4. Who do you hate most in your family?
  5. Do you like people
  6. What animal do you think you are?
  7. What is your personality?
  8. What is your favorite book?
  9. Do you like the ocean?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my Spirit Animal
