Which SpiritHood Animal Spirit Am I?

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When choosing a SpiritHood, many people wonder which spirit animal matches their personality best. This quiz is designed to help you determine which spirit animal most closely resembles you!

Have you always wondered which spirit animal you are? Take this short quiz to find your match! Wearing a SpiritHood is a fun way to represent your animal spirit! Get yours for 15% off from spirithoods.com with the coupon code SHLOVE

Created by: GetInMyHood
  1. On an average Friday night, you are most likely to...
  2. In most social situations....
  3. How gullible are you?
  4. When making a decision, I listen to my...
  5. My thoughts on having a relationship for life....
  6. What do you like to do most in your free time?
  7. When a friend or family member is not feeling well...
  8. When it comes to confrontation...
  9. When I have a problem
  10. If I had to pick one word to describe myself best, it would be...

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