Spirit Animals, Ophtho style

We've taken lots of quizzes about "which animal are you?" and "what is your spirit animal?", and most of those results were lame. Lots of us retook them to get a better result.

But this quiz is the definitive one, scientifically designed for the ophthalmology department. Many factors were taken into consideration, such as differing personalities, test taking practices, the fact that Amy had a nightmare the night before, and a thirteen year old's input for some of the answers (after an eye roll).

Created by: AmyP

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite book genre? (Out of the ones lists. Seriously, people, don't over think this thing.)
  2. What is your favorite hobby? (Out of the ones listed below. Seriously people, don't overthink this.)
  3. Where would you like to be RIGHT NOW?
  4. Who do you love to hate? (Again, out of this list. I'm not going to keep repeating it, people.)
  5. What is a nice rainy day activity?
  6. Which of these actors would you like Amy to tell you more about?
  7. If you could be a pro athlete, which would be your sport?
  8. Which superpower would you hate to have?
  9. Who is the better Sherlock Holmes?
  10. Who just walked into the room?
  11. What is your favorite Netflix show? (If you don't watch Netflix, pick the one that sounds least awful when your coworkers talk about it.)

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