What is your spirit animal?

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Now I know what you're thinking, this is some common quiz that is probably not true. But believe me, this is one of the MOST accurate quizzes you will be able to find on this whole website used across the world!

We know this is true because ChatGPT confirmed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Recommend this quiz to ALL of your friends after you play it! I know you will LOVE it!

Created by: Lilah & Zara!
  1. What is your favorite type of food out of these?
  2. What would hurt the most if someone called you one of these?
  3. What's your favorite color out of these?
  4. What's your favorite weather out of these?
  5. What's your favorite type of music out of these?
  6. What is the place that calls you most out of these?
  7. What job appeals to you most out of these?
  8. What would your friends describe you as?
  9. If you could go anywhere out of these places, where would it be? (They are all national parks)
  10. What would you like your spirit animal to be?

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Quiz topic: What is my spirit animal?
