What is YOUR spirit animal?

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Hello! This is Mango! No, that’s not my real name. It’s the name that I’ve used to make other quizzes. Recently, someone brought up the question of what your spirit animal would be.

It sounded like an interesting question. But, it caused some fighting. So this seemed like a way to settle it, and a fun way for others to find out as well. Because, like, isn’t that something everyone wonders?

Created by: Mango
  1. What do you like to eat?
  2. Which one would you want as a spirit animal?
  3. What color is your fav?
  4. How would your friends describe you?
  5. Where would you want to live?
  6. What’s your favorite activity?
  7. I am…
  8. Favorite book genre:
  9. Favorite school subject:
  10. Do you like this quiz? (It won’t affect your score)

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Quiz topic: What is my spirit animal?
