What is your role in the Clan?

hfr4uhujdhfurHELLO! Tis is to fiid out your role in a Clan for Warrior cats fans yeahhh Let's dance dance dance party on kagseftysxnrukergjittjgrokgttg

So you can be leader, deputy or medicine cat. Spent a lot of time making this so hope you really enjoy!!! Party onnnn!!!ixerr4utyhyhjyjnrfrfi4jgtuhguh

Created by: Sweet Potato
  1. What will you do if you see a cat from another Clan stray into your territory?
  2. Follow your instincts and choose an answer.
  3. What do you do if your prey run into enemy Clan territory?
  4. What role would you like?
  5. What is your best trait?
  6. What is your personality?
  7. What prey do you like?
  8. Would you like to have a mate?
  9. Let's do a gender test
  10. Are you good at herbs?

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Quiz topic: What is my role in the Clan?

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