What is your DnD spam cantrip?

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Step right up and find out which spell you cast way too much! The options are Vicious Mockery, Eldritch Blast, and Fire Bolt. If you don't cast one of those, go away.

This is also about your personality. The kind of person you are can influence what spells you cast. Disclaimer: Fighter spamming his warhammer not included.

Created by: Nobody knows.
  1. What is the main goal of your spells?
  2. You're in charge of dinner for a DnD session. You...
  3. What is your usual role in your party?
  4. Someone sucker-punches you. What do you do?
  5. What 1st-level spell do you want to cast as a cantrip?
  6. How do you walk around school/work, if you go to one/both?
  7. What is your favorite video game of those listed?
  8. Which of these is your favorite band?
  9. Don't stop me now!...Don't, stop, me, now...
  10. Finally, WHAT. IS. YOUR. FAVORITE. PhB. CLASS!? (Of the ones listed)

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Quiz topic: What is my DnD spam cantrip?
