How Well Do You Know the Hetalia Cast?

You might know basic Hetalia, but do you really know the characters? Take this quiz and see how much you truly about the show and it's outrageous cast of characters!

This quiz is pretty hard, and you must be a true Hetalian to figure it out! So yeah, empty space. Ah, the joy. The website yelled at me for gibberish so I actually have to type something. Ok. Good luck :)

Created by: Naehoge

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Let's start with an easy one. What is America's human name?
  2. Which is not a quote from Hetalia?
  3. What does Greece's last name mean in Greek?
  4. Which animal rejected Russia's friendship?
  5. When is Arthur's birthday?
  6. Why doesn't China cut his hair?
  7. Which character was the first father of America?
  8. How many TWIN brothers does Arthur have?
  9. What is Hungary's weapon of choice?
  10. What is Switzerland's home made out of?
  11. What character does Cuba hate?
  12. Did thou enjoy thy quiz? What ist thou opinion on thy quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the Hetalia Cast?