What hunger games character are you?

What's your name in the.... Hunger game?! Peeta? Effie??? Katniss??? Rue??????? Find out if you are smart, cool, protective, er effieish!?!?!??!?!??!?

who will YOU be? Find out right here, and right now! Are you kind enough to be peeta? Smart enough to be katniss? Rich enough to be effie? How about rue?

Created by: Izzy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you could team up with one person, how old would they be?
  2. Do you hunt.
  3. What would your special talent be?
  4. What color are your eyes?
  5. What type of weapon would you use...
  6. What are you going to want to do (after the games)?
  7. Are you........
  8. How pretty are you?
  9. Have you done something illegal?
  10. Left right up down, proper coordinates?
  11. Are you in love? What do you think of the games?

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Quiz topic: What hunger games character am I?